After several days in London, I feel the need for a break and decide on Friday, September 30 to head for Cambridge. The day breaks hot and clear as I strap on the backpack and head for Liverpool Street station. I freely admit that my solitary trips to Cambridge are freighted with nostalgic memories not just of my student days there but of the many fabulous day trips with family and close friends when I was on diplomatic assignment in London.

Queen’s College Dining Hall.

Wooden Bridge, Queen’s College. Often misnamed the Mathematical Bridge, it was not, contrary to popular belief, designed by Newton. Originally built of oak in 1745, the present bridge is of teak and dates from 1905.

Master’s Lodge,  Queen’s College.

My attempt at a pencil sketch several decades ago! Good thing I got interested in photography!!!

Clare College punts. Here you can hire a punt for 14 GBP an hour but you have to pole it yourself!!

Trinity College, famous for its Wren Library.

Wren Library as see from the Cam.

Girl seated under portico of the Wren Library.

Man seated beneath Wren Library.

Sidney Sussex College Chapel. Beneath the floor of this chapel, according to urban legend, is buried the head of our most famous graduate, Oliver Cromwell.

King’s College as seen from the Backs.

River traffic on the Cam.

Some of my male friends in Toronto can be forgiven if they think this lovely young lady is practicing her pole dancing routine. Actually she’s propelling a punt (and quite expertly I might add)!!!

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